National Exporter of medical products

10MED during the pandemic crisis

The global social and business isolation during Pandemic has led to unprecedented changes to the world economy. It is no secret that for some organizations crisis is challenging and for others it is time of growth and opportunities. It can be considered as catalysts for either emerging problems or future success. In this case only companies with the most flexible structure and business processes survive as they adapt to continuous market changes.

Thanks to its long-established agile approach to management 10MED is relatively easy undergoing the Crisis of COVID-19. There are some practical examples to follow:

– we approach every new task as a separate project engaging into its development and implementation. On monthly basis we measure the key indicators and possible risks and change our strategy if necessary. Depending on project results or its perspectives we would engage more resources and investments or completely stop the development.

– we treat our employees as the main resource of the company, motivating them with special system of bonuses. That is why during the pandemic we were able not only to fully maintain our staff but also to increase their remuneration.

– task´s delegation increases the strength of our team and opens possibility to work autonomously. This allows 10MED to adapt itself to the changing world with more success. 

– our employees entered into home-office activities two weeks before its official pronouncement by the State thanks for well established and automated business processes, which were created by 10MED through the years of hard work.

– continuous work with wide range of goods including products that are essential during pandemic (masks, antiseptics, etc.) helps us to strength our position on the market.

– one of the main advantages of our company is that we are working with wide range of countries (more than 50). It allows us to switch and focus only on promising projects.

– continuous search for the very best offerings on the Russian market creates profitable terms for our distributors which makes us the partner of choice

10MED can proudly say that 10 years of painstaking work focused on establishing flexible business processes allows us not only maintain our company during the crisis but to achieve a continuous growth.